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June 2020: "Hurry up & Wait"

Family and Friends,
This pace of this last month has been "hurry up and wait" because we are just waiting for Wren to come! Our bags are packed and she could decide to come anytime, even as I write this. Here are a few things we have been doing in the meantime:

Slushies & Park Walks

This picture of My Love is called "mid-bite scowl at unexpected photo"

Baby Prep

My office is now merely a desk in Wren's room. It's still a mess (because of me), so no pictures for now. (should I be cleaning right now?🤔🤷🏻 )Any tips on where to store a mountain of diapers? I like this persons idea: 

Good News Homes

A handful of youth had a great service project with Good News Homes. They painted, cleaned, pulled weeds, and mulched like CHAMPS! Somehow I managed to get into poison ivy and chiggers on my right leg. It was gross, but three weeks and a two doctor visits later I can wear pants and refrain from groaning about my itchy leg. 
Julia in action!

Break Time for a Game!

Ice Cream

Youth families met up for ice cream downtown! We played corn-hole, jumped in a fountain, and threw a football around. If you have never savored homemade Mexican ice cream, you are missing out!
It was too hot NOT to get your feet wet
Baby Shower #2

Last month we were blessed to have a baby shower, but this month our family threw us another over Zoom! We are so thankful for the reunion of friends and family in Virginia and we can't wait to introduce you to Wren later this year!

Back to Church

We are so thankful to be back worshiping together with parts of our church family!! Here is a shot of service our first week back.


On the 28th, I preached in Acts 4. Here is that video.

Hebrew Reading Group

The HRG has been faithfully meeting this summer. It has been a blessing to stay disciplined in the text! I have been learning a lot about Genesis, passive verbs, Hebrew vocab, and English vocab (ever heard of  "Chrestomathy?"). I have been learning even more though about how much I *don't* know. I hope to continue this learning journey! 


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