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Isolated & Afraid: Quarantine's Trap of Worry

Did you know that Satan is an ambulance chaser? A good one, too. 

This doesn't mean Satan drives closely so he can get through red lights; an "Ambulance chaser" is slang for lawyers who pick up clients in emergency rooms. It is considered unethical because the hospitalized are easy to take advantage of. Satan pulls this off quite a bit; He eagerly awaits weak prey. 

Today, some of us are in ambulances with spiritual ailments: our society-wide isolation from friends, mentors, and Christian leaders have given Satan fleets of ambulances to chase. Sadly, he isn't chasing some of us because he already caught us. 

Three age-old traps Satan has laid for us are fear, hate, and apathy. We may fit right in with the world when we adopt these, but they undermine something precious and life-giving: love for God and love for others. 

Can I ask, is fear coloring the way you live recently?

Fear is hard to describe, but we all know its effects: a knotted gut, a swelled tongue, undesirable sweat, sleepless nights, heavy legs, a racing heart, or labored breathing. We don't all feel it the same way, but we all know it. 

Living out the instruction "fear not" is not as easy as the phrase is short. 

"Opportunities" shower us to schlep around burdens of fear: "Will I have a job? Will I have enough hours? Will I get Covid? Will I or my family be a statistic? Will I pass it unknowingly to others? Are face masks a threat to my health? Is this a partisan scheme for 2020's election? Who can I trust? What news can I trust?"

Tracing fear is difficult, unlike recognizing symptoms. Fortunately, Jesus loves and cares for us in our fear. His Spirit can search us and calm us even when we don't understand our own heart. Some happy news is that the complications of a fearful heart have a simple answer: Prayer.

I know that isn't what we want to hear sometimes. If you called your dad with a flat tire and he responded: "just put some air in that tire!" you wouldn't be thrilled. Sometimes this is how the solution "Prayer" lands on us: out of touch, unreasonable, unsympathetic, and impractical. I can forgive you for shelving my suggestion of prayer for a moment. Here are 7 solutions for fear from scripture - do any of these sound like a better solution than "prayer"?

  1. When our heart is burdened, we can unload them on Jesus by faith. 
  2. When we are anxious because of people and circumstances out of our control, we can enter Jesus' company that brings rest. 
  3. When we are afraid of abandonment, we can reach out to Jesus who suffered treacherous abandonment. 
  4. When we are nervously indecisive, we can share it with Jesus who will listen well and is a reliable spring of timely wisdom. 
  5. When our soul is troubled from intense concern, we can bring these concerns to teh tender heart and strong arm of Jesus.
  6. When we are overwhelmed by a situation and need insight from a trusted friend, we can connect personally with Jesus who was tempted like us and succeeded. 
  7. When our life (or a loved one's) is threatened, we can go to Jesus who has passed through death unconquered.
These seven solutions to fear all center on fellowship with Jesus, the capable caretaker of our body and soul. What does scripture call this communion and movement of the soul? What way does our weary heart unload these burdens, find this wisdom, and enjoy his presence? Does it exist or are we left alone? It exists, friend - Prayer!

Do your prayers do this? Sometimes mine don't. 

You may be surprised that scripture records some prayers are ineffective, so you and I aren't alone or without solutions.There is power in prayer, but overcoming fear needs an intentional prayer strategy. Here are four prayer strategies that help me put fear to flight:
  1. Effective prayers are centered on God's promises to us. (Luke 22:42, 1 John 5:14-15
  2. Effective prayers are transparent about how we have acted, thought, and felt. (Psalm 51, 69, 142 )
  3. Effective prayers occur in community. (Matthew 6:9)
  4. Effective prayers are persistent. (Luke 11:5-13 )
I encourage you to follow up a few of these verses and pray - because Jesus' presence, promises, and rest await us when we approach him by faith in our time of need!

God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling. 

Psalm 46:1-3


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