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April 2019 "'s just too late."

Friends and Family,
let me start by apologizing for not sending out a March update. Life got busy and it fell by the wayside! Here is what is up with us:

New& Exciting
 We were blessed this year to have the spring breaks of my Seminary, Amber's school, and the youth's school schedule on the same week, so we took a trip down to Florida with some good (and generous friends), Neal and Layne, to their family beach house. We got tan, enjoyed the beach, walked a park, hung a hammie, played a board game (Catan, multiple times!), and generally just had a great time getting away. Also, I caught up on my Hebrew homework (to the -rightful- chagrin of Amber.)

As usual, Amber comes home with the best stories of kids saying silly things.

Recently, Amber went on a field trip to a park and kids were pushing boundaries by playing in a creek. One older boy crossed the creek on a stick that was not sturdy. This inspired a smaller and younger boy, only 8, to head towards the stick. Amber hollers over "Don't cross the creek there; it's not safe!" He pauses, looks at Amber with his adventurous spirit, and says steadily with his small voice: "'s just too late" and then crosses the stick. Amber could not laugh in the moment, but afterwards with the teachers she had a good laugh. I, Bronson, did too when she retold it. I wish you could see Amber's impersonation!

Amber took me back to this park and showed me the crime scene (creek) and also, there were fearless deer. In this video it shows how close they let us get. Scroll to 30 seconds.

Please pray for us as Amber finishes up her school year, I begin my summer class (Monday, 5/20), and we both head into a different pace and routine of Church summer events (Camp, VBS, Community Days, and more!)

Please pray this summer would be a time of refreshing during the slower weeks!

Recommended book
I am forced to read more books than I care to leisurely during finals season, but one that I have been reading for leisure is Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. It was written in the 80's and has been republished a couple times because it is still so "prophetic" and applicable in its critique of how media affects us, our culture, and education. This is not full endorsement, but many chapters I finished and thought "Wow, that's insightful."

Here's a favorite part of mine (paraphrased):
"TV gives us a sea of information, almost none of which we can use. 
There is water everywhere, without a drop to drink." (Chap 5)

We hope your summers are starting well!
-Bronson & Amber


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