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January 2019

A few family and friends have asked if we send out something to keep loved ones updated on our life since we are separated by distance. I want to try and post/send a short update for each month that reviews something new or exciting, difficult, funny, and how you can keep us in prayer.  This is the first go at that. (This is Bronson typing, by the way)

On our Kentucky "snow day"
Since the New Year began, I went to a missions conference and took a conference course. As part of an assignment I had to interview 3 foreign nationals who are not Christians. I interviewed an Imam (a Muslim "pastor") and it was a great learning experience. I am more convinced than ever of the beauty of Christianity as the only religion where God saves us, while other religions only offer men how to obtain salvation for themselves. Here is an edited video  (for time's sake) of the interview I showed to some youth.

Another exciting thing is that I was blessed to baptize a young man at church a couple weeks ago. I am thankful the Lord is working among the youth and I am praying this young man grows into a mature, disciple-making, Jesus follower.

Two difficulties we navigated were Amber getting sick, and me finding time to apply for scholarships. When I say Amber was sick, she was really sick. It turned out to be a 36 hour flu, but it was a rough 36 hours. Praise God that has passed! (and that I was kept from it!) The scholarships (admittedly less difficult), have just been a matter of finding time to apply in the midst of classes, work, time with Amber, etc. 

Two funny things have been that Kentucky cancelled school because it was "too cold" and also a piece of artwork I found titled "The Bronson." Having spent my first 14 years in the North where I stood in 2 feet of snow on some days to wait for the bus, it just makes me chuckle how Kentucky reacted. The Governor made a remark that the school system might be getting "soft" and he was torn to shreds for it, so don't send this off to any local news stations. πŸ˜€πŸ˜ Below is a screenshot of the art I found. If I would pick art to be named after me, this would be it. It was, after all, my favorite dinosaur as a kid.

You can keep us in prayer these two ways:
  •  For amber, please pray “that I would finish out the school year strong and that I would love students and coworkers with my words and actions.“
  • For me, that I would be faithful to God in my use of time and that I would be a faithful witness everywhere I go. 


  1. Love you both! Cool artwork too ;-)

  2. This is great -- hope you keep it up. Doesn't feel like you are SO far away now. And yes, KY is funny about cold weather! :D (This is Aunt Libby, by the way)


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