While reading these two books, I had numerous flashbacks of burdens shared by parents and youth. I was even reminded of my own teenage struggles. Even better though are David's solutions; His writing is relatable, biblical, and practical. I wish I read this book as a youth. He clears away the mystery of teen anxiety and depression in bite-sized chapters, only 5-6 pages each.
These books hit a sweet spot for a stressed, anxious, and depressed generation of teens. They are written by Bible Teacher and Counselor, David Murray, to help parents and teens face these problems head-on. Each chapter tells a story of a struggling youth who found help in God's word to navigate through their issues.
I especially connected with chapter four, "Imaginative Imogen." David discussed how our minds are like a movie theater, constantly playing a movie, and some teens endlessly replay movies of past trauma, horrific hypothetical situations, or graphic images so that anxiety and guilt thrive. Many teens want to press the stop button, but it doesn't seem to work. Instead, scripture's solution is that we replace those images; God gives us movies to play about his faithfulness in creation and in his promises (Matthew 6:25-34). The chapter wraps up with tips on how teens can make this replacement and how parents can help.
These two books mirror each other so that parents and teens can read together, but they are not the same book. The parent book helps you understand your teen's struggle and how you can guide them as a coach and not an enemy. The youth book is more conversational and encourages them to allow trusted adults (and doctors) to assist them. I recommend picking up both. If cost is a hurdle, I would be glad to help! Here's where I bought them.
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