October and November were filled to the brim with ministry, finals, and family visits. Here are the highlights!
In October, we started out with a weekend retreat with the youth. The theme was "Love your neighbor [across the aisle]." We talked about how Jesus' ethic of love even applies to politics in the heat of political fervor. We had a photo scavenger hunt, ate too many snacks, and enjoyed each other's company on top of it all. Please pray that we would be a light in the upcoming dark season in America: presidential election season.
Here is a game of chair basketball the kids got REALLY into.
(Maybe even a little too much) |
Here's a photo of some strong high school youth
completing a "push up challenge" for the scavenger hunt. |
Also, Amber and I invested in some bird seed and feeders to enjoy birds on our deck. Here's some of the best photos we could snap:
House Finches |
Sometimes you watch birds and sometimes birds watch you. |
Sparrow (Clearly the inspiration for "angry birds") |
Titmouse |
Nuthatch |
Cardinal (Male) |
Mockingbird |
Downy Woodpecker |
Chickadee |
Finally, Amber and I visited Mulberry Orchard with some friends. We picked apples and had a yummy apple-barbecue lunch.
November was a whirlwind with church renovations, finals, and thanksgiving in VA. If you want to see the church renovations, then come visit or
watch a recent service online. 😃The biggest deal with finals was Hebrew. I exhausted myself on the paper and final exam. I learned a lot though, so I am thankful! On our visit to VA for thanksgiving we saw most of our family and it was a nice break from the pace of life leading up to finals. We took some photos with Amber's side of the family (seen below). Our other family gathering had too many moving parts for a photo op, but we still had a great time. 😀
And finally, driving through West Virginia is usually uneventful, but this was...different. At Burger King there were more cats than people. Since when do cats come in packs? And naturally, a dog was quite intrigued.
That is six cats in one Burger King parking lot. Watch out folks, they are organizing. |
One concerned dog. Who could blame him? |
If you read until the end, then you must really love us, because that was a longer-than-usual post. I hope your December is starting well and you take time to intentionally celebrate Jesus throughout. It is too easy to neglect and be washed away by a deluge of busyness.
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory,
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. ...
16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."
John 1:14, 16
Absolutely LOVE all the photos! And Thanksgiving was so good!