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August 2019: Another Semester Begins...Everywhere!

This is a monthly update for family and friends about the life of Bronson and Amber. It does not always make it to Facebook, so if you want it in your inbox, send me your email!

New & Exciting
  • Late August we started back with Wednesdays at church for all ages. We are covering the Apostles Creed this fall with the youth. There are some who have already memorized it! The Lord has blessed us recently with growth: We started strong with a record breaking attendance on the first night!
  • We are trying to pioneer a new ministry on Wednesday with a Young Adults group! If you know of a young adult in Oldham, KY, I would love to connect them to Jesus and to our church community!
  • This school semester has started for both Amber and Myself. She started teaching school again and is also enrolled in a Seminary Wives Institute class about interpreting the Bible. I started the first semester of my last year in this (MDiv) program. I am taking the classes: Exegesis of Isaiah, Theology of St. Augustine, and Discipleship and Family Ministry. Isaiah is by far the most demanding, but I am growing a lot through it!
  • We also finished a refresh for youth meeting spaces in the gym. (I promise it is cleaner now- This was taken just after the paint dried.) πŸ˜€ Here is a before and after photo, along with a hyper-lapse video of the finishing touches for the worship space.



  • Whilst relaxing in Louisville, we took some time to walk the creek at Cherokee Park. This photo makes this 1 foot "waterfall" look huge. 

Here are a few ways you can keep us in prayer:

  • That we would find a rhythm in this new busy season that is consistent with the priorities God has given us.
  • That the Lord would continue to bless our health. We had some health problem during the summer that could pop back up. A blog is not the place for details, but your prayers are invaluable.
  • For the ministry- that our love for Jesus would soar and our number would multiply.

I decided to unwind after my Summer semester and read something just for fun. I tried the Harry Potter Series and loved the adventure! I know some people don't read these as a matter of conscience, but if you can, then I recommend it. They are well written, funny, and fast moving. I understand why  impressionable persons would want to avoid them- they are about a fictional world of magic which does not reflect a Biblical worldview. If you don't think this is a matter of conscience, by that rule you might also need to throw out CS Lewis' Narnia Series. It includes magic, some of which is performed by the "good guys" in the story. (see chapter 10 in Voyage of the Dawn Treader) I enjoyed the read. It helped me unwind from a long summer. It doesn't suite everyone, but maybe you would enjoy the adventure sometime as well.


  1. Exciting stuff, I like the update to the youth space! Good choice for the book, I picked up a copy while I was in London with the alternate title. Love you guys!


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