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June 2019 - Camp & VBS

New & Exciting

Youth Camp overflowed with moments that are worth sharing from laughter, sadness, and new (or renewed) life in Christ. We were challenged from the Gospel of Matthew to be disciples who make disciples. The youth experienced escape rooms, hatchet throwing, fishing, lake time, card games, lunch games, dodgeball, late nights, and most importantly the forgiving love and grace of Jesus. Here is a video of what the youth learned and their favorite parts of camp! I would love to share all that went on, but instead I will give you excessive pictures to view 😁

I, Bronson, was in charge of VBS games after camp. The kids and youth volunteers had a great time. We played gaga ball, sharks and minnows, tag, and had a water day as a grand finale. Again, I will let pictures do most of the talking:

 In the midst of all the excitement this summer, there have been some hard days with health problems. We need your prayer as these get worked out. We have selectively shared the details purposefully, but please pray for us knowing what you do!

Book Recommendation
This month I read The Vanishing American Adult by Ben Sasse. He discusses how the relationships,  ideas, and structures that ushered previous generations into adulthood have diminished so that many young adults are crushed by adult responsibilities when it is thrust on them. This book is not a "Get off my lawn" kind of complaint about generational immaturity. He cares about the next generation and proposes some solutions that are decent leads. I decided it was worth giving a more thoughtful review, so I hope to release a proper book review in the next month.


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