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May 2019, A Time of Transition

New & Exciting
This May was the end of my 3rd year in Seminary! I am thankful the Lord has brought us this far, providing moment after moment of grace to get through classes, assignments, and finals for 6 semesters. I want to thank my Amber first for her continual support and care for me when I am discouraged, consumed, or exhausted because of seminary. She usually suffers most when I struggle through seasons. She is my best friend, wife, and chief supporter. She rocks.

Amber finished her second year of teaching in May! She will not be returning full time next year, but she will do summer tutoring and continue in a part time role, Lord willing. She is relieved to be finished and is quite enjoying the break from the intense end-of-school schedule. With her free time she is picking up the hobbies of bar crawling and ax throwing. (Kidding!)

Here is a picture of us at the church leadership appreciation dinner.
(I was dressed up as from the 80's...or at least attempting to)
(@ School) 
The kids developed a "club" that  has little secret meetings and tasks they to perform as club members, almost always silly and innocent. The teachers quickly realized that some favoritism was going on and some kids were excluded, so the teachers nixed it. Like a weed though, it kept reappearing over time.

Two things about this are funny. First, the "leader," is the youngest and smallest kid in the school! Let's hope he can put this leadership to good use someday. Second, after a "secret" club meeting, one student was overheard apologizing profusely "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not writing The Memos from our last meeting. I will write them up today." Amber was curious what this was all about so she let it play out. A few minutes later she found the child writing:

He was just writing this on 7-10 pieces of paper as the "memos" from their meeting. Hilarious. Amber confiscated this one for for a laugh.

Each year we make a silly staff video for our volunteer appreciation dinner. This was a recreation of a scene from the Office where Michael Scott tries retelling a joke: It fails time after time and frustrates him. (Here's the original.)

The limits of a publicly published blog prevent me from sharing many specifics, but a few general requests include our health, rest during these summer months, and wisdom about pursuing a PhD after I, Bronson, graduate next year. Also, we are gearing up for student camp in 2 weeks. That is always rife with disciple-able moments, fun, and exhausting!

Book recommendation

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
I, Amber, love reading children's books. In my classroom this year we read a different picture book everyday! I heard many teachers recommend it and I also enjoyed it thoroughly. It's short, sweet and and a bit of a tear-jerker.


  1. Great stuff, funny and informative, thanks for taking time to communicate !
    Love you, Dad

  2. <3 Love you! Thanks for the update ;-)


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