Pick one up on Amazon! Jackie Hill Perry recounts how from an early age her heart was drawn to other young women and how male abuse and neglect only fueled this. Her testimony about life before Christ does not exalt her former darkness, but it does outline her former shadow life. There is no sugar coating, nor anything explicit, but Jackie takes you on a short walk in her old shoes. The intended effect is that we would see her, and others like her, as needing good news, The Good News . In the midst of Jackie’s darkness, Jesus shined his truth and poured his water of grace on her barren soul. Her testimony is that “without asking my permission, a good God came to my rescue.” One night on a couch, Jackie was struck with the thought that her girlfriend would “be the death of her.” Truth from Sunday school of years past was bubbling up in this crucial moment. She reflects how God confronted her more clearly, not with just her homosexual lifestyle, but with her unbelief . Jacki...