The recent Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage is causing mixed reactions among Christians. I know I, myself, have had a range of emotion that I needed to submit to Christ’s lordship. What does this ruling mean for followers of Christ? To summarize my thoughts: Keep calm and carry on.
Seriously though, we simply need to continue on with the mission. It’s not much different than before. We have a daily calling to wake up, deny self, and be Gospel ministers. If the sin of some lost people impedes our Christian mission, we have a heart problem that involves pride, fear, or maybe a distorted “patriotic Christianity” (insert mullet wearing patriot image here). These are all occasions calling for repentance. If we were not living a life intentionally to evangelize and make disciples before this Supreme Court decision, the temptation is even greater to react poorly (panic, lethargy, unkindness). Disobedience often spirals into more disobedience.
In light of the Supreme Court decision, here are 6 things we need to continue or start first for God’s glory and secondly for our good:
- Trust God's promises of being in control and actively working for our good (Romans 8:28)
- "Love your neighbor as yourself", including our gay neighbors. Even when they hate us for our beliefs (Mark 12:31).
- Cultivate our faith in Christ with others in community (Hebrews 10:24-25).
- Delight in God's word and fervently pray (Psalm 1, Colossians 4:2).
- Be invested in by wiser Christians (Luke 6:39).
- Passionately Evangelize and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).
We don’t need a novel message to share or an extra book of the New Testament to teach us how to live now. God and his Word are abundantly sufficient, so proceed in faith! Continue to love God, love others, and live the mission.
Striving to always rejoice in the Lord,
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