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Showing posts from July, 2020

Isolated & Afraid: Quarantine's Trap of Worry

Did you know that Satan is an ambulance chaser? A good one, too.  This doesn't mean Satan drives closely so he can get through red lights; an "Ambulance chaser" is slang for lawyers who pick up clients in emergency rooms.  It is considered unethical because the hospitalized are easy to take advantage of. Satan pulls this off quite a bit; He eagerly awaits weak prey.  Today, some of us are in ambulances with spiritual ailments:  our society-wide isolation from  friends, mentors, and Christian leaders have given Satan fleets of ambulances to chase. Sadly, he isn't chasing some of us because he already caught us.  Three age-old traps Satan has laid for us are fear, hate, and apathy. We may fit right in with the world when we adopt these, but they undermine something precious and life-giving: love for God and love for others.  Can I ask, is fear coloring the way you live recently? Fear is hard to describe, but we all know its effects:...

Piper's 7 Lessons in Productivity

I listened to an APJ episode recently called " Seven Lessons in Productivity " and loved it. I was challenged and encouraged to embrace the tiniest moments to create, love, and serve. I thought I would distill the advice for my sake and pass it along. The 20 minute podcast is worth your time, but below is my summary: 1. No man is an island.  Productive people have others help them. Who is my team?  "The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 1 Corinthians 12:21 " What do you have that you did not receive?" 1 Corinthians 4:7 2. Know why you exist and why you do what you do. God created us a secondary creators and makers. 3. Discover and embrace the difference between sloth/lazyness and rest/leisure. The sabbath may be gone, but the sabbath principal is not. 4.If we are going to work abundantly and faithfully, we must not be paralyzed by perfection. God ...

June 2020: "Hurry up & Wait"

Family and Friends, This pace of this last month has been "hurry up and wait" because we are just waiting for Wren to come! Our bags are packed and she could decide to come anytime, even as I write this. Here are a few things we have been doing in the meantime: Slushies & Park Walks This picture of My Love is called "mid-bite scowl at unexpected photo" Baby Prep My office is now merely a desk in Wren's room. It's still a mess (because of me), so no pictures for now. (should I be cleaning right now?🤔🤷🏻 )Any tips on where to store a mountain of diapers? I like this persons idea:  Good News Homes A handful of youth had a great service project with Good News Homes. They painted, cleaned, pulled weeds, and mulched like CHAMPS! Somehow I managed to get into poison ivy and chiggers on my right leg. It was gross, but three weeks and a two doctor visits later I can wear pants and refrain from groaning about my itchy leg.  Julia in a...