Friends and Family, let me start by apologizing for not sending out a March update. Life got busy and it fell by the wayside! Here is what is up with us: New& Exciting We were blessed this year to have the spring breaks of my Seminary, Amber's school, and the youth's school schedule on the same week, so we took a trip down to Florida with some good (and generous friends), Neal and Layne, to their family beach house. We got tan, enjoyed the beach, walked a park, hung a hammie, played a board game (Catan, multiple times!), and generally just had a great time getting away. Also, I caught up on my Hebrew homework (to the -rightful- chagrin of Amber.) Funny As usual, Amber comes home with the best stories of kids saying silly things. Recently, Amber went on a field trip to a park and kids were pushing boundaries by playing in a creek. One older boy crossed the creek on a stick that was not sturdy. This inspired a smaller and younger boy, only 8, to head toward...