A recent devotion got me thinking about how I occasionally "naturalize" God in my mind. Sometimes I can lose a sense of how surprising, timely, & out of the box God's supernatural working was in scripture. Or if I do see this, I can tuck it away because that was how God worked "back then." Indeed, I do think God has changed the way he interacts with us on some level because of the completion of scripture, but that should not blunt the fact that God still works amazing miracles today. Photo cred: http://lifehopeandtruth.com/uploads/images/miracles-of-jesus.jpg God still transforms haters of the Christian Church into devoted followers of Christ. God still takes "hearts of stone" & replaces them with "hearts of flesh" that beat for him. God still brings peace between himself & guilty sinners by the work of his Son on the cross. God still provides materially for his people when the dollars, hours...